14 de abr. de 2010

Rebolation English

Rebolation is good good
Rebolation is good good good (6x)

Put his hand on the head that will start
tion the Rebolation tion, Rebolation
the Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
the Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
the Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation

Hello my people pay attention to the Rebolation
It's the new sensation, boy and girl do not get left out
That will start the knockout swing is good yummy more
Women behind men in front

Hand in my head that will start
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation

Ô Rebolation is good good
The Rebolation is good good good
If you do get better (4x)

Put his hand on the head that will start
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation
The Rebolation tion tion, Rebolation

Ô Rebolation is good good
The Rebolation is good good good (5x)

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